Tuesday 26 September 2017

A2-Describing people

If you want to practise how to describe people, you can do the following on-line activities:

Friday 22 September 2017

Easy listening activities

If you want to practise your listening abilities, you can do the following online activities:

Wednesday 6 September 2017

A1-Examples of Monologues and Dialogues


  1. My daily routine. To watch this video click HERE
  2. Describing my house. To wathc this video click HERE
  3. My Family. To watch this video click HERE
  4. My last summer. To watch this video click HERE
  5. My son's daily routine. To watch this video click HERE
  6. Talking about myself. To watch this video click HERE 
  7. My trip to Paris. To watch this video click HERE
  8. The weather in my town. To watch this click HERE
  9. Things in my fridge. To watch this click HERE


  1.  At a Hotel. To watch the video click HERE 
  2. At a restaurant. To watch the video click HERE