Monday 22 November 2010

Problems booking a hotel room

  1. Watch this video in which a Russian guy is trying to book or to reserve a hotel room, but to his desperation he is having problems with the hotel manager. 
  2. After watching it, can you help this unfortunate Russian guy by writing a correct version of the conversation between the hotel manager and himself?

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Imagine by John Lennon

If you didn't come to our lesson yesterday, you can print the worksheet below to complete the same task we did in class.

Imagine by John Lennon

Sunday 17 October 2010

Phonemic Chart


To hear the sounds of English and to practice with the Phonemic chart we use in class click HERE

Saturday 16 October 2010

Pronunciation: The English alphabet


If you would like to practice the English Alphabet, you can do so HERE 

Thursday 7 October 2010

A2-Pronunciation of final /s/ in present simple and plural of nouns

On the following LINK  you will find information on how to pronounce final /s/ in present simple and plural of nouns.
Pronunciation Of The Final S(2)

View more presentations from rrrosaco.

To make sure you understood this language point, you can do the following tasks: 

Monday 4 October 2010

vocabulary practice

If you want to practice the vocabulary we are learning in each unit and you like playing games, you can do both things at the same time by clicking on THIS LINK